Our FederationLearn more about the AFAThe Alberta Federation of Agriculture (AFA) is Alberta's largest producer-funded general farm organization. Our predecessor organizations go back well over 100 years. In 2013, we became today’s Alberta Federation of Agriculture. |
Entirely voluntaryWhile general farm organizations in other provinces are funded by a mandatory check-off, membership in AFA is entirely voluntary. Farmers and ranchers join AFA because they want their voice to be heard on the issues of the day and for those views to be represented effectively. |
The Alberta Federation of Agriculture is part of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), the most effective and trusted farm advocacy group in Ottawa.
We welcome media contact and would be pleased to offer our perspective for any ag-related media stories. See our recent news releases.
We are engaged with many issues that affect your business, from Business Risk Management to grain transportation to climate change and global trade.
Get in touch with the directors and executives at the Alberta Federation of Agriculture.
These corporate Partners believe in a strong future for agriculture in Alberta. Their support allows us to do more and achieve better results. Join our Partner group.